If you thought we present our new movie we have to dissapoint you. Its just Ocotbird and Vodor L Zeck playing muzik for you the whole night.
Vodor L Zeck kicks of his european tour in Berlin on Friday the 13th, cause there is no better date to start a tour into the unknown. Come together at 8KW and have a dance to some Acidish Braindancy IDMish Electro 4 to the floor breaks house music 🙂
Well…let’s have some pre new years breaks, shall we?! I actually recorded the set for this episode of Octobird Salad a few weeks back while preparing for a gig I just played for the wonderful people from Eddy Breaks. They’re running a regular party series with some good old Drum’n’Bass vibes, ranging from the classic uptempo thing to Jungle styles and Dub stuff. This was quite a nice challenge, as I haven’t been playing these kind of tunes for quite some times but rather been swaying underneath 140bpm. But with the ongoing release trend of mixing house tunes with breaks I already had some tunes on my harddisk waiting to be played.
One thing said before you push that red button: if you rather prefer to listen to the original set I played at Eddy Breaks – The Darkest Days, you have the option to do so at:
There are a whole lot Sets from this and recent events, I highly recomment. It’s just a bit tricky to embed stuff from hearthis.at here, which is why I decided to tease this as a new Octobird Salad Episode.
Die weitherzige Kill Royal Weinbar feiert Kombigeburtstag mit Freunden von Freund*innen im fabelhaften Interkosmos. Kurzum: Saftige Weinreben, gelassenes Barbeben und erfrischender Kulturteil verpackt in cosmisch, königlichen Tanz- und Schranz Lustbarkeiten. Beste Lage und vielseitiges musikalisches Bouquet. Cosmo würde sagen: The Bus is out of Control!
Nach der wohlverdienten aber doch etwas langen Pause nach der Gala im Oktober, sind eure Brunos endlich wieder am Start und präsentieren euch wieder wunderbare Live-Acts und DJ’s! Dieses mal möchten wir Spenden sammeln für das großartige Vetomat in Friedrichshain und diesen wunderbaren Raum unterstützen!
The first round was fun, the second round will be serious fun. Yet again members from Widescope, Various Vegetables, Experimental Dimension & Zanderhythm sat together to prepare another minbending experience.
We start about 8pm with Music and Food. The early bird flies ungestört!