Tonight at sidereal time 24.303.00:00 we will finally make contact with the planetary spirit of artistic recycling!
For this purpose we are opening a radio station with the functional name P.A.N. [Planetary Autonomous Network]. In addition, we will gather in our home probe “Bermuda” for the launch of the interstellar transmitter to initiate the first contact together.
Line up: – Live Music by Octobird – Live play and interactions with Octobird – Live Animation Theater by SHOXXX – Virtual DIY workshop by Johannes Marx
8kw resident Octobird and Zanderhythm mastermind Vodor L Zeck are back with another back2back brainmelting intelectual dance experience.
Somewhere between live set and disc jockey magic they blur the lines between acid, braindance, jungle, cheap disco, speedambient, chipjazz & post-gabba!
Die Luft ist flüchtig – durchschneiden wir sie mit den Schwingen der Kunst – halten inne & die Luft an – und genießen gemeinsam einen angenehm chaotischen Querschnitt durch die Berliner Subkultur.
Unberechenbare Winde haben dafür gesorgt, dass unser Lieblingsfestival in diesem Jahr eine Pause macht. So hat es uns an einen wonnereich gepflasterten Stadtstrand, im Kiez zwischen Ostkreuz und der Frankfurter Allee, gespült… Am 4. und 5. August soll von dort aus vielfältiger Sound ertönen, zum Kopfkratzen und Ausrasten, während wir uns am Labsal der edlen Weinbeere berauschen, unter tanzenden Schatten ausruhen und letztlich begeistert – oder entgeistert – die Sonne unter dem Pflaster suchend, frei wandeln.
Wir laden euch herzlich dazu ein, unerschrocken auch im Tanz mit den Hyaden – uns diese Welt einzubilden.. stellt euch das mal vor! Jetzt, am Wochenende!
I’ve spent the last few weeks more or less day and night putting together a soundtrack for this piece, which I’m going to perform live. I don’t want to give away too much, but the whole thing is pretty ambitious…in a fun way.
So put on your swimming trunks and come along! But if you still can’t get off the sofa…we also stream live! Keep an eye on
On the first weekend in June we will be celebrating the naming of the cultural Bermuda Triangle with a three-day festival here in Berlin/Friedrichshain. We will infect all your senses with jam sessions, art punks, acid breaks, creative workshops, theater performances, a marketplace and anything else your imagination can dictate.
The weather gets a bit more forgiving so we can start another season at our wonderful little playground at 8KW.
This friday I will support the Alien Misfits collective with some DJ magic. I actually only know as much as there are gonna be songs and then we will see where the journey goes. But I’m pretty sure we will have a good time, because we always do 😉
Alien Misfits 2 March 31 // 19:00 at 8KW // Kietzer Weg 8, 10247 Berlin FHain Free Entry // Cheap Drinks
We’re getting the first proper temperatures here in Berlin. A good chance to spend a day at the historic RAXXXHAUS. Starting at 4pm we will have food, screen printing, tatoos and a shitload of music.
There will be a whole bunch of Bands starting from 6pm and then DJ action from 1am. I’m gonna provide the missing link between both worlds, playing an electronic Live Set around Midnight.
Everything for the good cause of keeping DIY spaces in FHain alive!